Amanda Ceniti, PhD
Amanda Ceniti, PhD
Ceniti AK
Conducting a national needs assessment to develop the Friends/Family of Individuals at Risk of Suicide Training (FIRST) Program (Oral)
Conducting a national needs assessment to develop the Friends/Family of Individuals at Risk of Suicide Training (FIRST) Program (Poster)
Conducting a national needs assessment to develop the Friends/Family of Individuals at Risk of Suicide Training (FIRST) Program (Poster)
Clinical, behavioural, and neural correlates of anhedonia and reward function in Major Depressive Disorder and mild traumatic brain injury (Poster)
Assessing anhedonia and reward processing in depression before and after treatment with desvenlafaxine (Poster)
Exploring the effect of concussion history on reward processing and anhedonia in depression (Poster)
Mental Health Matters: Talking about Depression and Suicide (Oral)
Interaction between Psychache, Physical Pain, Reward Responsivity, Anhedonia, and Suicidality in Depression (Poster)
Resting-state functional connectivity in depression and mild traumatic brain injury (Poster)
Resting-state functional connectivity in depression and mild traumatic brain injury (Poster)
Anhedonia and reward-related deficits in traumatic brain injury: Implications for development of depression post-injury (Poster)
Exploring the Overlap between Depression and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Focus on Neuroimaging and Reward Processing (Oral)
Demographic and clinical correlates of single versus repeated suicide attempts in mood disorders (Poster)
Identifying predictors of risk for depression and suicidality following mild traumatic brain injury (Oral)